Day Stay Hospital Service

Herston Private Hospital's Day Stay Hospital

At Herston Private Hospital, we understand that some medical procedures and treatments can be efficiently delivered without requiring an overnight stay. That's why we offer a specialised Day Stay Hospital service, where patients can receive the care they need in a comfortable and familiar environment while returning home on the same day.

What are Day Hospitals?

Day hospitals provide a wide range of treatments for various pathologies, including eating disorders, certain mental health conditions, diseases of old age and childhood disorders, as well as cancer treatments. Each day hospital may have its own areas of specialisation, ensuring that patients receive comprehensive and high-quality care tailored to their specific needs.

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Herston Private Hospital | Medical Suites | Bowen Hills, Brisbane

Day Hospitals

What are Day Hospitals for?

Day hospitals play a vital role in providing care for individuals with mental health problems who can benefit from intensive treatment in a partial care regime while maintaining their connections with family and the community. Our objective is to enhance patients' capacities and empower them to establish or maintain social ties and interpersonal relationships. We actively encourage the participation of the patient's family and friends in the therapeutic process. Through individual, group, and collective activities, we promote autonomy and provide patients with the necessary tools for successful recovery.


How are Day Hospitals Run?

Depending on the specialty of the day hospital, we conduct multidimensional and interdisciplinary evaluations and diagnoses using biological, psychiatric, and social approaches. This comprehensive assessment ensures precise and high-quality care for our patients. We offer various forms of treatment, including individual and group pharmacological and psychotherapeutic techniques, tailored to each patient's specific needs.

In addition to providing care to patients, day hospitals at Herston Private Hospital also offer support to families. We actively involve family members in the therapeutic process of their loved ones and provide them with key information, advice, and ongoing support throughout the course of care. Our day hospitals may also offer specialised services such as nursing care as part of an individual's treatment plan. 

We are committed to providing a supportive and caring environment for our patients, ensuring their comfort, safety, and well-being throughout their day stay with us. 

Leasing Opportunities

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our Day Stay Hospital service, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our dedicated team is here to assist you.

Leasing Enquires

For leasing enquiries please call 1300 351 123 or send us your details below.


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